Don’t Come To Church

If you’ve been around for any length of time at FBC, you’ve probably noticed we’re not perfect. Maybe you find FBC “constantly exasperating”, words Rowan Williams used recently to describe his experience of the Anglican Church. He also said, “Don’t go looking for a perfect church . . . the one you’d invent if you had the choice. Just inhabit the place where God has put you.” I like that. I want to inhabit the place where God has put me, and invite you to do so, too.

When the going gets a bit tough, when we feel like throwing in the towel, or giving up on one another, then here are some helpful words I found:

1. Church isn’t about me or you. It isn’t one of many shops in the High Street that exist to fulfil our spiritual shopping list. Church is a gathered community of believers who are pooling together their time, talent and resources to further the Great Commission. It’s about investing our lives.

2. The very nature of authentic community is found in the ‘one anothers’. Love one another, serve one another, encourage one another; this cannot happen apart from doing life with people. We need community.

3. If we’re not doing something you think we should be, maybe that’s God’s call on your life to start it. Remember, every member is a minister, and has been given at least one spiritual gift for service in the life and mission of the church.

4. You aren’t going to agree with everything, and things won’t always happen the way you think they should. But let’s trust one another, get on-board and work together anyway.

5. Spiritual growth happens when we’re receiving a balanced diet of teaching and challenge, investing in service and mission, and living in community with a diversity that we probably wouldn’t select for ourselves.

So, don’t come to church. Be the church.