From Kolkata to Faversham

During June, Faversham Baptist Church will be hosting a visit from two of our friends from Kolkata. Make a date to come and meet them on Sunday 17th June.

It’s almost a year ago that Chris, Bethan, Emily, Samuele, Debbie, Steve, Paula and Geoff were gearing up for our Church Team visit to Kolkata. It was truly humbling and exciting to see God at work so clearly in such a different part of his world. BMS World Mission has been working in Kolkata since it formed in 1792 – the days of William Carey. The organisation owns a mission centre and guesthouse in the centre of Kolkata and this is where we stayed.

It is a privilege this month to welcome to FBC as our guests Pastor Asis Sarkar and Br Asit Ghose who will be visiting us from Kolkata. They arrive on Saturday 16th June and move on from Faversham to BMS World Mission in Didcot on Wednesday 20th. Pastor Asis is pastor of Colinga Baptist Church, the oldest Bengali Baptist Church in Kolkata, and Br Asit works at the BMS Centre.

Geoff has preached twice at Colinga Baptist Church, and we have invited Pastor Asis to preach at our Worship service on Sunday 17th June. After the service there is a Church Dinner in honour of our guests and it is hoped that all of us will be able to stay and eat together. Please sign up for this so that we know how many to cater for.