Day 49: God-Given Talents

Day 49

I’m not going to lie. Exodus has been hard going. At times, reading the specification details for the construction of the Tabernacle has seemed pretty irrelevant. Having ploughed through 37 chapters of Exodus, I was relieved to be nearing the end! However, today’s Old Testament reading (Exodus 38 & 39) was different and I am pleased to say I took a lot from it.

Here’s the context. Thanks to God’s provision, the Tabernacle has been built and, through Moses, God instructs his people to decorate and furnish it. God has given skills to his people to help them do this. The verses actually tell us how many ‘talents’ were used to make the curtains, the base, the breast pieces, the scared garments etc. They even make a specific point of mentioning the skills of God’s people by crediting “the work of a carpenter, craftsman, designer, embroiderer, engraver” etc.

What can we take away from this? I think it’s obvious. Our skills are God-given and we must use them for the glory of God. How many ‘talents’ are there collectively in our Church? More importantly, are we using them to glorify our Lord?