Day 55: Finding Time For The Bible

What, then, is the first principle of maintaining spiritual freshness? Establish a daily quiet time with God in order to replenish your spiritual resources.

Selwyn Hughes in Every Day With Jesus One Year Bible

As we continue through the Bible, what routine have you established for meeting with God each day? What have you found helpful and unhelpful? We need to keep our focus on hearing from God, rather than just checking off the day’s readings. As Selwyn Hughes also says, ‘a certain time of the day ought not to belong to the day, but to the getting of resources for the day’. How are you managing this? Let us know! Encourage us! Comment away . . .

PS Still on the lookout for anyone wanting to blog about how they are getting on. Doesn’t have to be too daunting. If you’re looking for how others are doing this, check out the latest on the One Bible web site.