Day 121: A Third Of The Way

We’re just about one third of the way through our One Year Bible reading challenge and it would be great to hear how people are getting on! The housegroup continues to meet every other week on a Thursday evening – you’re very welcome to join in. Some of us are a bit behind, but take heart – keep going . . .

Over at the One Bible site, people have been commenting on their progress. Carrie says:

Just discovered the existence of this website through New Wine magazine and excited to be able to participate! Have been reading Bible in a Year since Jan 1st and really surprised myself by keeping up to date so far! Really finding it very interesting to read stuff in the Old Testament about the Israelites and their journey that I have never read before – the big picture is beginning to emerge! I’m finding it really helpful too, to keep looking again at the same incidents and words of Jesus as we work our way through the gospels – it gives God time to get through to me!

Richard says:

Twice in the reading from Deuteronomy 10 (v12 and v20) fear of God is shown as a positive attribute. Both times it points to helping us to serve Him and to have a closer relationship with God. The fear of God is something I certainly need to see more often in my life.

What have you been learning? Let us know!