Believe It . . . Or Not?

In a world of competing voices, who can we trust to tell us the truth? With so much information and disinformation at our fingertips, how do we know what to believe?  And battered on every side by conflicting opinions, where do our values come from?

These are the questions that will spark our discussion at February’s Café Church on Sunday 21st at 10.30am. Café Church is a relaxed and informal way to explore issues of life and faith. Based around tables – café style – with good coffee and wonderful cake, there’s plenty of opportunity for conversation, questions, opinions and more, often interspersed with video clips, quizzes, life stories and music

Café Church is part of Kaleidoscope and parents are welcome to bring their children to enjoy Kids Zone which runs downstairs at the same time. School-age children can be left while parents join Café Church upstairs. (Parents of pre-school children are welcome to stay with them in Kids Zone.)

Café Church runs from 10.30am to 12noon and as always is followed by a meal. Everyone is welcome – come along and see what’s it all about, make new friends and join in the fun!