Hot Potatoes

Our June Café Church will be an open forum tackling current issues raised by . . . you! Anyone will be able to raise or respond to a topic of current interest as we seek to tease out how Christian faith informs our response.

Everyone is welcome to come along for good coffee, scrumptious cake and a relaxed and informal atmosphere with plenty of opportunity for conversation, questions and laughs.

As always, children are very welcome at Kids Zone which will be running downstairs. There are bible stories, games, lots to do and make and tons of fun. Parents are welcome to stay with their children or come upstairs and join Café Church.

Café Church this month will be happening on Sunday 19 June and the morning starts at 10.30am. Lunch is provided at 12 noon for anyone who wants to stay.

Church – but not as we know it. Why not give it a go!