A Baptist Way Of Being Church 1

Faversham Baptist Church is one of over 2,100 Baptist churches in the country belonging to the Baptist Union of Great Britain (BUGB). Each church is autonomous and self-funding. We do not have one distinctive Baptist belief – it is a combination of various beliefs, which make us distinctive.

In three parts, we will be looking briefly at a few of things that describe the Baptist way of being the church.

The Lordship of Christ

Baptists affirm that ‘Jesus is Lord’. He is Lord over our individual lives, the life of each church, and the life of the whole world. Baptists seek to make Jesus Lord of every aspect of their lives. This means that we take seriously our calling to be followers of Jesus, and that we seek to allow Christ to lead and direct our church life.

The authority of the Bible

The Bible is described as the ‘Word of God’ because we believe that its writers were inspired by God’s Spirit. As such, it has authority to guide both what we believe and how we live our lives. As radical believers, Baptists seek God’s way for living, rooting their lives in the revelation of God’s truth.

Baptism for Believers

On the basis of the New Testament, Baptists claim that baptism is for those who believe and are able to declare that Jesus is Lord. As a symbol of Jesus’ claim on our lives, baptism by immersion is practised, representing a desire to die to self and to live for Christ.

see also:

A Baptist Way of Being Church 2

A Baptist Way of Being Church 3