A Baptist Way Of Being Church 2

In part one we started looking at the combination of beliefs which make Baptists distinctive. As one of over 2,100 Baptist churches in the country belonging to the Baptist Union of Great Britain (BUGB), we have these emphases in common. We have already noted the Lordship of Christ, the authority of the Bible and Baptism for Believers. Here are three more:

A Believers Church

Baptists understand the church as a community of believers gathered in the name of Jesus Christ for worship, witness and service. There is no set Baptist liturgy. Each local church and community is free to determine its own pattern Central to Baptist worship is prayer and praise, listening to God’s word in preaching, and sharing Holy Communion.

The priesthood of all believers

In the Baptist model of a believers’ church everyone has a role to play and can use their God-given skills and talents for the good of the church and the community. These gifts include teaching, faith-sharing, evangelism, social action, pastoral care, prayer, healing, worship, administration and hospitality.

Church members and church meetings

In a Baptist church, an illustration of the priesthood of all believers Is the church meeting. This is the occasion when members come together to prayerfully discern God’s will for their life together. The final authority rests not with the ministers or deacons or any other local, national or international body, but with the members gathered together in church meetings under the Lordship of Jesus. It is the church meeting which, for Instance, appoints ministers, deacons, and others who exercise various forms of leadership within a local congregation, agrees financial policy and determines mission strategy. Church meetings tend to take place mid-week, normally on a monthly or bi-monthly basis.

see also:

A Baptist Way of Being Church 1

A Baptist Way of Being Church 3