
Take Courage

Revelation 10 & Revelation 11
Throughout the book of Revelation, the call of God’s people is to bear faithful witness to Jesus, even though it will mean suffering, and quite possibly a shameful death.
Preacher: Geoff Cook.

Other Sermons in the Series

  • Jesus Revealed

    Jesus Revealed

    Revelation 1 John in exile thinks about the churches under persecution back home and, when praying for them on the Lord’s day, hears a voice behind him. God is bringing comfort to his people, the central vision of the Lord Jesus standing in majesty. Preached by Geoff Cook on 9 February 2014 as part of…

  • Letters From The King

    Letters From The King

    Revelation 2:1-3:22 A believing community is the context for the life of faith. Jesus is perfect and glorified and good, and the church is a work in progress. Preached by Geoff Cook on 16 February 2014 as part of the Revelation of Jesus series.

  • The Heart Of Worship

    The Heart Of Worship

    Revelation 4 & Revelation 5 Christian worship is a conviction that we are in the presence of God, an act of attention to the living God who rules, speaks and reveals, creates and redeems orders and blesses. Preached by Geoff Cook on 23 February 2014 as part of the Revelation of Jesus series.

  • The Scrolls Of Destiny

    The Scrolls Of Destiny

    Revelation 6 & Revelation 7 These and the following chapters of Revelation are not what we want to hear, just as the news from the doctor may not be what we want to hear. But it is what we must hear if the world is to be healed. Preached by Geoff Cook on 16 March…

  • The Sound Of Trumpets

    The Sound Of Trumpets

    Revelation 8 & Revelation 9 Revelation shows us, in vivid graphic detail, that the only way to understand the judgement of God is when we come to terms with how real and ugly evil is and what untold havoc and fear it causes in this good and beautiful world that God has made. Preached by…

  • Take Courage

    Take Courage

    Revelation 10 & Revelation 11 Throughout the book of Revelation, the call of God’s people is to bear faithful witness to Jesus, even though it will mean suffering, and quite possibly a shameful death. Preached by Geoff Cook on 30 March 2014 as part of the Revelation of Jesus series.

  • The Woman And The Dragon

    The Woman And The Dragon

    Revelation 12 This is cosmic drama. This is Christmas from a heavenly perspective. John wants to assure his readers that if you remain faithful to Jesus it will cost you, but you will be protected and you will receive the crown of life. Preached by Geoff Cook on 27 April 2014 as part of the…

  • The Two Beasts

    The Two Beasts

    Revelation 13 John’s aim is to alert his fellow persecuted believers that behind Rome’s grandeur, behind the appeal of every secular ideology of whatever century, lurks a beast that is essentially anti-god. But do not be deceived – evil will not go on for ever. Preached by Geoff Cook on 11 May 2014 as part…

  • The Triumph Of The Gospel

    The Triumph Of The Gospel

    Revelation 14 God is making all things new. The good news of Jesus defines us, unites us, makes us who we are. It is so momentous, so valuable so foundational, so transformative that whole world views needs to be dismantled and rebuilt around person and achievements of Jesus Christ. Preached by Geoff Cook on 18…

  • The Seven Bowls

    The Seven Bowls

    Revelation 15 & Revelation 16 We are homing in on the greatest showdown of them all. It is time, now, for the destroyers to be destroyed. God will let evil take its course and bring its own nemesis; and, at a moment which only he is in any position to judge, he will bring the…

  • Downfall Of The City

    Downfall Of The City

    Revelation 17 & Revelation 18 A tale of two cities, contrasting this present world and the new spiritual city, in order to show the true reality of the present and the reality of the future. Poetic symbolism helps us to reimagine the world we live in and its future. Preached by Geoff Cook on 8…

  • Hallelujah! The Lord Reigns

    Hallelujah! The Lord Reigns

    Revelation 19 John is once again transported into heaven and in his vision, emerging from the dark shadows is the exquisite beauty of an age to come – the beginning of the final outcome of human history.  Preached by Geoff Cook on 15 June 2014 as part of the Revelation of Jesus series.

  • Reigning With Christ

    Reigning With Christ

    Revelation 20 There are things in this world that cannot be in the new world that God is in the business of creating if that new world is to be all that he promised it will be. In God’s kingdom of justice and joy there is no space for certain acts and attitudes, nor anyone…

  • All Things Made New

    All Things Made New

    Revelation 21 & Revelation 22 What we have here is the utter transformation of heaven and earth by means of God abolishing, from within both heaven and earth, everything that has to do with the horrible, disgusting and tragic effects of human sin. Preached by Geoff Cook on 13 July 2014 as part of the…

Other Sermons by the same Preacher

Rev Geoff Cook is the Minister of FBC.

  • Community


    Romans 14:1-21 Let’s learn to disagree agreeably and overcome our judgmental spirits. Let’s make sure we’re dealing with diversity by allowing love to limit our liberty and by focusing on the eternal, not externals. Preached by Geoff Cook on 12 May 2024.

  • Part of the Mystery

    Part of the Mystery

    Romans 10:9-15 Our part in the unfolding mystery of God’s eternal plan and purpose is to extend the good news of Jesus to those around us: we BELIEVE Jesus is Lord, we CONFESS Jesus is Lord, and we DECLARE Jesus is Lord. Preached by Geoff Cook on 21 April 2024.

  • Good News for Heroic Failures

    Good News for Heroic Failures

    Romans 5:1-11 All of us spend our lives looking for peace with God, others and ourselves. You and I, heroic failures that we are, cannot make peace with God, or for that matter, with one another. But God, through Christ, has already made peace with us. Preached by Geoff Cook on 17 March 2024.

  • Gospel


    Romans 1:1-17 Romans is not, ultimately, about some big and complicated ideas, but about a person – Jesus Christ. In him all of the promises of Scripture and longings of the human heart find their fulfilment. Preached by Geoff Cook on 18 February 2024.

  • Reforming the People

    Reforming the People

    Nehemiah 13 Any church will enter into spiritual entropy and decline when it loses its passion for Jesus. We must ask God to give us a renewed vision of himself, and a renewed vision of what it means to be his church here in Faversham. Preached by Geoff Cook on 21 January 2024.

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The most recent sermons at FBC:

  • Mission


    Romans 15:14-33 Paul ends his letter by reminding the church in Rome about their mission, their motivation, and their means by which to share the gospel with others. Preached by Rachel Taylor on 19 May 2024.

  • Community


    Romans 14:1-21 Let’s learn to disagree agreeably and overcome our judgmental spirits. Let’s make sure we’re dealing with diversity by allowing love to limit our liberty and by focusing on the eternal, not externals. Preached by Geoff Cook on 12 May 2024.

  • Devotion


    Romans 12 In the light of the mercy we have received from God, our lives and our minds are to be made new and we are to offer up our lives as a sacrifice, living in a way that pleases God. Preached by Rachel Taylor on 28 April 2024.

  • Part of the Mystery

    Part of the Mystery

    Romans 10:9-15 Our part in the unfolding mystery of God’s eternal plan and purpose is to extend the good news of Jesus to those around us: we BELIEVE Jesus is Lord, we CONFESS Jesus is Lord, and we DECLARE Jesus is Lord. Preached by Geoff Cook on 21 April 2024.

  • Hope


    Romans 8:14-17, 31-39 We do not need to fear. Through Jesus, God has adopted us as his own children – the promised hope of all who put their trust in him. Preached by Rachel Taylor on 14 April 2024.

  • Freedom and Transformation

    Freedom and Transformation

    Romans 6:1-14 How does knowing the truth of the gospel empower us to live free from the power of sin? Preached by Rachel Taylor on 24 March 2024.

Browse our sermons by Series:



How to co-operate with what God is doing.

Making Sense of Life (Romans)

The Book of Romans equips us for the adventure of life and faith, and emboldens us to share the Gospel with others.


Come, See, Tell, Repeat

Following Jesus means introducing him to others.


How can we be more confident about our faith?

Wrestling With God

Learning how to engage with God by using Habakkuk as a model.


Facing The Future

No-one can predict what the future holds, but we can face it confidently knowing that Jesus is already there.

Resurrection People

We are a resurrection people! A series exploring how we can live in the light of the resurrection of Jesus.


Jonah discovers that God is forgiving and gracious, even to those who we think are undeserving.

Advent 2022

A couple of sermons in the run up to Christmas 2022.


Finding Jesus

An encouragement to make time for Jesus in our lives.

Worship in the Wilderness

An encouragement to discover more of God through the wilderness times in our lives.

Trusting God

Helping us to trust God though all the seasons of life.

Meeting Together

The importance of not losing the habit of meeting together as the people of God.


Life in the Local Church

Helpful lessons from the first few chapters of 1 Corinthians on what it means to be the church of Jesus.

Easter Lockdown

Spending Easter unexpectedly in lockdown means a chance to learn more about ourselves, about Jesus, and how to worship ‘together’ in unusual circumstances!

Lockdown Stories

More lockdown worship and learning, with a different approach to our usual Sundays.

The Lockdown Files

A collection of sermons on various subjects, reflecting the effect of lockdown and the restrictions on meeting together.

Coronavirus Christmas

Christmas hope following a year of uncertainty and disruption to everyday life.


Faith Works

The book of James offers practical help for living God’s way in God’s world.

Things That Matter

A series about some of the important aspects of Christian faith.

Malachi: Who Cares?

Malachi’s mandate was to call the people back to a vibrant relationship with the living Lord. Their problem, like ours often is, was not ignorance, but indifference.

New Start

God gives us a new start, forgiven and free.


The Time Is Now

A series on the book of Haggai.

Complete In Christ

Jesus is all we need. Sermons from Paul’s letter to the Colossians.


Covenant People

What does it mean for the church to be a covenant people belonging to God?


Following Jesus – in Luke’s Gospel

Stories from Luke’s Gospel that help us to understand what following Jesus is all about.


Mark – Storyteller

Mark tells us the stories of Jesus, inspiring us to turn and follow.



Revelation of Jesus

Exploring the revelation of Jesus to John.

Church DNA

Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians is a short and compact letter, that draws us back to the fundamentals of the faith and the fundamentals of how we are to be ‘church’ together.


The Holy Trinity

A very short series on the Trinity.

A Community of Faith

What does it mean to belong to a community of faith?

Who Do We Think We Are?

A journey through the book of Ephesians, learning who we are in Christ Jesus.

Dealing With Dilemmas

How do we live in the world as Christians? How do we respond to some of the ethical issues of our day?

The Miracle of Christmas

Recovering the wonder of Christmas, centred on God’s great salvation plan for humanity – the real miracle of Christmas.

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